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Showcase of rn-emoji-keyboard library. Enhance your communication with the language of emoji


Emoji breaks language barriers and boosts nonverbal communication with emotion. As a developer, have you ever wondered what emoji is under the hood? What makes it look different depending on a device or an application? We will look into how it is done and go through some fun facts followed by presenting features of rn-emoji-keyboard - a lightweight, performant and customisable open source library.

Speakers Bios

Speaker Bio

Hi! I’m Magda, a software developer from London. I work at TheWidlarzGroup where I develop websites and mobile apps. I’m interested in all things React Native. An active open source contributor, trying to turn caffeine into a working software to make your life easier. Aviation geek and winter sports enthusiast.



Magdalena Jaśkowska

Magdalena Jaśkowska

Magdalena Jaśkowska

Date originally presented


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