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Cross-platform: ReactNative, Jamstack, and beyond


React Native is a successful technology to build cross-platform apps, with the ability to share code between iOS, Android, web... But what about content? Is ReactNative compatible with the Jamstack? Can we produce cross-platform interactive content running everywhere?I will share the various experiments I've run on my blog, and how I created a cross-platform content authoring workflow. We will use many technologies, such as Gatsby, MDX, React-Native-Web, Expo, React-Navigation, Netlify...

Speakers Bios

Speaker Bio

Sébastien Lorber is a React early adopter. He is passionate about cross-platform, and really hope it becomes mainstream. Lately, he has been working as a contractor for Facebook on Docusaurus.



Sébastien Lorber

Sébastien Lorber

Sébastien Lorber

Date originally presented

September 4, 2020


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