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Navigation in Brownfield Apps


Apps that combine React Native with a native code become more popular every day. Large companies (including Facebook), deploys functionalities of their products written with React Native on a daily basis. In order to do it conveniently, developers are required to understand the architecture of navigation in React Native and compare it to a pure native approach. This presentation is a perfect opportunity to gather some high-level overview of these topics, and it's a must-have to develop your first "brownfield" app.

Speakers Bios

Speaker Bio

Software developer working all across the stack, always glad to help you manage the technical aspect of a project and lead your team to success. Experienced in mobile and web development. Always looking forward to exploring the new cross-platform technologies from React Native to Kotlin/Native. Big lover of Swift and GraphQL.



Michał Chudziak

Michał Chudziak

Michał Chudziak

Date originally presented

September 9, 2019


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