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Local Notifications in React Native


This talk was presented during the React Native EU 2021 - the largest community conference in the world focused exclusively on React Native. Abstract: Most apps on your phone send user notifications; they are straightforward to integrate and apply to the most basic of use cases. However, most of these apps aren’t exploiting their full power to increase user engagement and retention. There are two types of notifications used to inform users, local and remote (aka push). For example, a messaging app might let the user know when a new message has arrived, or a calendar app might inform the user of a scheduled appointment. In this talk, we’ll walk through how to integrate local notifications in a React Native app and demonstrate how they can be elevated beyond the basic title and body, to enhance the overall user experience. - Getting set up with Notifee - Media support - Quick Actions - Scheduling using Trigger Notifications

Speakers Bios

Speaker Bio

Helena is the CTO of StackTiger and has been building and shipping React Native apps since it was first released. She is a maintainer of Notifee, a library for creating local notifications, and is somewhat of a Firebase Messaging expert. When she’s not killing her Macbook processor, she likes to read, binge YouTube, and cook up new plant-based recipes.



Helena Ford

Helena Ford

Helena Ford

Date originally presented

September 2, 2021


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